Child Development Laboratory

The Real World is the Optimal Learning Environment
The Children's School is a model early education and care environment open from 7:30am to 5:30pm (early closing for staff training Thursdays) during the academic year January, June and July. We offer numerous student opportunities as a child development laboratory for the many courses that have a component of inquiry into human development and potential and curriculum development. The ability to observe children in their learning environments is a unique opportunity to witness developmental similarities and differences in optimal educational settings.
The hours for observation are 8:30 am to 12:00 am and 2:00 pm to 5 pm. These hours are general. They do not include all environments.
Fieldwork and Observation Opportunities
The Children’s School welcomes SSU students who need to complete field placement hours, site observations, child observations, and interviews with faculty and the director. Each of these opportunities require a different process.
Fieldwork: For EDEC 237, EDEC 220, ENSP 432, and EDEC 437, you will wait until your instructor discusses your required fieldwork assignment. You will then come to the Children’s School to complete your Field Placement Agreement form to submit to the School of Education. ***COPIES of proof of immunizations and T.B. clearance must be submitted to your instructor before you can begin your observation/participation hours.