Community Garden
The Community Garden is a classroom, a habitat and a place for discovery. In the Community Garden, children and adults grow, tend and watch the seasons unfold throughout the year. Each Children’s School age group is responsible for caring for the garden one or two times per week. The children feed the chickens, water the plants, pick what needs picking and plant. The eggs that are gathered go to the kitchen and Tarik uses them for meals. We also use the eggs for cooking projects.
When possible, small groups of children meet in the garden to learn about who might live in the garden and how to care for these creatures. For example, different birds visit the garden in the birds as they migrate. The children participate in feeding the birds so they will resist eating seedlings. The worms are cared for with kitchen scraps and water. Compost is sifted and used to feed the garden.
The Community Garden is an important part of the school as it is shared as it supports the ideas of children discovering their connections to the earth. As we support children in understanding about sustainability, the Garden supplies the perfect classroom to learn this first hand. Families are welcome to volunteer in caring for the garden as well as donating plants, seeds, and compost. When the garden is plentiful, we share extra produce with our families.

Often our student assistants have never worked with chickens. They learn all about them as they explore the chickens along with the children.

The Community Garden is popular with the children as they learn how to care for it. Watering plants is an important task and a favorite.

We have raised several generations of chickens. There is great joy in caring for the chickens and gathering their eggs. The eggs are cleaned and given to the kitchen. The are used in many recipes.