
The Children's School offers healthy breakfast, lunch, and snacks. All the food is prepared and cooked on a daily basis. The children receive healthy whole grains, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, milk, and protein from legumes, fish and fowl. The meals we serve are at a no cost to the families and it is thanks in part to our participation in the California Nutrition Services program, which allows us to provide healthy, well-balanced meals to the children. Healthy foods are beneficial to a child's development and growth. Eating a variety of healthy foods can prevent early medical problems and create lifelong good dietary habits. Children are not required to bring any food from home unless directed by a doctor.
The School provides children with hot meals for breakfast, lunch and snack. These meals are provided without additional charge for all children enrolled at the School, regardless of family income.
Good nutrition is essential to the healthy physical and mental development of every child. Both eating healthy foods and learning about good nutrition are an important part of our curriculum. The center participates in a child nutrition program provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This program requires that we follow strict guidelines to ensure the quality of our nutritional program. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Meals are provided that are nutritious, well balanced, and delicious. Menu items are selected based on children’s nutritional needs as well as consideration for their tastes and food preferences. A variety of ethnic foods are provided for diversity and exposure to different cultures. Menus are posted in each classroom.

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USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.