Nutrition, Health and Safety

The Children’s School organizes and supports all facets of a child’s life which includes nutritious meals, health considerations, and safety. All faculty is CPR and First Aid Certified along with being trained in the nutritional needs of young children. There are many considerations when supporting young children in a group care environment. Faculty have taken required training to insure that the environments consider what is needed to promote and support healthy children. Children are encouraged to make healthy decisions throughout their time at the Children's School.
It is the parent's responsibility to notify the school of any allergies your child may have including reactions to food, bee stings, medications and animals. Documentation of treatment plans for medication to be kept at school requires a Doctor's signature. If a child's diet must be modified for health reasons, a physician must fill out our medical statement requesting accommodation.
It is in the best interest of the children and staff that everyone helps to control and reduce the spread of illness in the Children's School. Many young children are susceptible to colds and contagious illnesses until they have developed a resistance to them. A child who appears to be coming down with something may be contagious and should stay home. An ill child does not enjoy being at school and may become worse due to the amount of activity at school. We do not have the staff or space required to care for ill children.
In order to limit the spread of many illnesses, we will observe each child upon arrival at school and discuss any medical problems with the parent. Parents will be asked to keep a child home or pick up their child early under the following conditions:
- The illness prevents the child from comfortably participating in daily activities.
- The illness requires more care than the staff members are able to provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children.
- Children taking antibiotics must be on the medication for at least 24 hours before they return to school.
- Children will be sent home after loose bowel movements. If a child is sent home for diarrhea, fever, or vomiting, they must be kept home 24 hours before they return to school.
- Fever, along with behavior change or other signs of illness such as sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, etc.
- Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness such as unusual tiredness, uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, continuous crying, or difficulty breathing.
- Body rash with fever. Children with rashes including draining poison oak, impetigo, ringworm, and contagious cold sores, should be examined by a doctor.
- Sore throat with fever and swollen glands or mouth sores with drooling.
- Pinkeye or conjunctivitis with thick mucus or pus draining from the eye.
- Head lice or nits. All nits (eggs) MUST be removed before a child returns to school.
- Severe coughing where a child gets red or blue in the face or makes a high-pitched whooping sound after coughing.
- Child is irritable, continuously crying, or requires more attention and care than we can provide without compromising the health and safety of the children in our care.
NOTE: Staff may request clearance from a physician prior to re-admitting a child. If there is a difference of opinion between the Children's School staff and a family physician as to the appropriateness of the child's attendance at school, the Children's School staff's judgment will supersede all others.
***If your child becomes ill at the Children's School***
We will check your child/parent schedule form for your location. It is your responsibility to keep that information current. We will call the necessary departments and they will attempt to locate and notify you. We will isolate your child and make him/her as comfortable as possible. If we are unable to locate you, we will call someone you have listed on your emergency form.
Medication Policy
It is our policy to NOT give children any type of medication. You are welcome to store medication in the staff refrigerator at school and come during the day to administer it yourself. For your child's safety and the safety of other children do not bring any medication into the classroom or in your child's backpack (this includes even Tylenol). If your child has a chronic medical condition that requires ongoing medication, please see the Director to discuss accommodations.
Behavioral Consultation Project
The Behavioral Consultation Project has proudly partnered with Sonoma County's childcare and early education community since 2001. The project provides FREE consultation services to providers and teachers serving children birth through age 5 who have not yet begun Kindergarten. The team of consultants includes mental health clinicians, early education specialists, behaviorists, and parent liaisons. Many of the consultants are bilingual and bicultural. They help facilitate positive, culturally sensitive relationships with parents and develop collaborative goals and action plans to address the needs of the child, family, and program.