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Observation & Participation Guidelines

  • Dress appropriately in clothes that reflect your professional role.  As you will be bending over, reaching up high and squatting in the classroom, you should try these positions in front of a mirror at home and make sure that your clothes cover you completely. Review the dress code policy.
  • Wash your hands when entering the environment.
  • In your time in the classroom, your focus should be on your observations and participation in the class.  You should keep your phone and other distractions in your purse or car.
  • Avoid talking with teachers while they are working with children. If you have questions, write them down so that you will remember to ask them later.
  • Remember confidentiality. It is your professional responsibility not to discuss children or their parents in their presence.  Also, refrain from discussing the classroom, the teacher or the children in any public place.
  • If you are unable to make your regularly scheduled time, you must call the school. 707 664-2230. If you miss several assigned observation times, the Children's School may not be able to allow you to observe/participate. If you need to make up hours, please email your classroom supervising faculty.
  • You are responsible for documenting the hours that you observe.  If applicable, keep your observation hours log convenient so you can record the hours with each visit. 
  • Never be left alone with children under any circumstance.